Everything You Need to Know About Building a Hurricane-Proof Barndominium

What is a Barndominium and How Can It Be Made Hurricane-Proof?

A barndominium is a type of residential building that combines the design elements of a barn and a condominium. It typically features a large open living space with high ceilings, as well as a functional workspace or storage area.

To make a barndominium hurricane-proof, it’s important to consider the building’s construction materials, design, and location. Here are some steps that can be taken to increase its resilience to hurricanes:

Factors That Make Your Barndominium Depreciable

Choose durable and wind-resistant materials

When constructing a barndominium, it’s important to use durable and wind-resistant materials, such as steel or concrete. These materials are less likely to sustain damage during a hurricane than traditional wood framing.

Secure the roof

The roof is often the most vulnerable part of a building during a hurricane. To make a barndominium hurricane-proof, it’s important to ensure that the roof is securely anchored to the building’s walls and that the roofing materials are rated for high wind speeds.

Install impact-resistant windows

High winds and flying debris can cause windows to shatter, which can result in extensive damage to the interior of the building. Installing impact-resistant windows can help protect the barndominium from damage caused by wind-borne debris.

Design the building to be aerodynamic

The shape and design of the building can have a significant impact on its ability to withstand high winds. By making the building more aerodynamic, it’s possible to reduce wind resistance and prevent damage. This can be achieved by reducing the building’s profile, eliminating overhangs, and using sloping rooflines.

Elevate the building

If the barndominium is located in an area that is prone to flooding, it’s important to elevate the building to protect it from water damage. This can be achieved by building the foundation higher than the anticipated flood level or by constructing the building on stilts.

The Pros & Cons of Building a Barndominium from Scratch

Building a barndominium from scratch has both advantages and disadvantages. Here are some of the pros and cons to consider:


Customizable design

One of the biggest advantages of building a barndominium from scratch is the ability to customize the design. The owner has complete control over the layout and finishes, which allows for a truly unique and personalized home.


Building a barndominium from scratch can be more cost-effective than building a traditional home. The use of steel or metal building materials can be less expensive than wood or brick, and the open floor plan can reduce the cost of framing and finishing.

Quick construction

Since barndominiums are typically pre-engineered, the construction process can be faster than building a traditional home. This can save time and money on labor costs.

Versatile use

 A barndominium can be used for many purposes, such as a home, workshop, or even a commercial space. This versatility can make it a more valuable investment.


Limited financing options

Financing a barndominium can be more difficult than financing a traditional home. Since it is a unique type of property, not all lenders may be willing to provide a mortgage.

Zoning and building code restrictions

Some areas may have zoning or building code restrictions that prohibit or limit the construction of barndominiums. It is important to research these regulations before beginning construction.


Barndominiums can require more maintenance than traditional homes. The metal or steel siding may require regular painting or cleaning, and the roof may need to be inspected and maintained more frequently.

Noise and temperature regulation

The metal construction of a barndominium can lead to more noise and temperature fluctuations compared to traditional homes. Additional insulation and soundproofing may be required to address these issues.

Understanding Building Codes & Regulations for Creating Hurricane-Proof Structures

Building codes and regulations are critical when it comes to constructing hurricane-proof structures. These codes and regulations are developed and enforced by local and national government agencies to ensure that buildings are safe and durable during natural disasters. Here are some key points to keep in mind when understanding building codes and regulations for creating hurricane-proof structures:

Follow local building codes and regulations

Each state and local jurisdiction has its own set of building codes and regulations, which are designed to address the specific risks and hazards in that area. For example, states in hurricane-prone areas may have stricter building codes that require structures to be more resilient to wind and water damage. It’s important to consult with local authorities to ensure that your building plans are compliant with local codes and regulations.

Work with a professional engineer

When designing and building a hurricane-proof structure, it’s important to work with a professional engineer who has experience with hurricane-resistant construction. An engineer can help ensure that the building is designed to withstand the unique risks and hazards of the area, and can provide guidance on materials and construction techniques that can help improve the building’s resilience.

Consider wind and water resistance

Wind and water are two of the most significant threats during a hurricane. Building codes and regulations typically require structures to meet certain wind and water resistance standards. For example, structures in high wind areas may need to be designed to withstand wind speeds of 130 mph or more, while structures in flood-prone areas may need to be elevated or designed to resist water infiltration.

Use approved materials and techniques

Building codes and regulations typically require that specific materials and construction techniques be used for hurricane-resistant construction. These materials and techniques have been tested and approved to ensure that they meet specific performance standards. It’s important to use only approved materials and techniques to ensure that the building is as resilient as possible.

Inspect and maintain the structure

Even a hurricane-proof structure can sustain damage over time, so it’s important to conduct regular inspections and maintenance to ensure that the building remains safe and durable. This may include inspecting the roof, walls, and foundation for signs of damage, and repairing any issues as soon as they are identified.

Understanding and following building codes and regulations is critical for creating hurricane-proof structures. By working with a professional engineer, using approved materials and techniques, and conducting regular inspections and maintenance, it’s possible to create a structure that is resilient and safe during even the most severe hurricanes.

Essential Materials & Features to Build an Impregnable Barndo Against Hurricanes

Building a barndominium that is impregnable against hurricanes requires careful consideration of the materials and features used in the construction process. Here are some essential materials and features to include when building a hurricane-proof barndominium:

Reinforced roof

The roof is often the most vulnerable part of a structure during a hurricane. To make it more resilient, use hurricane straps, metal roof panels, and reinforced framing. The roof should also be designed to resist uplift forces and high winds.

Impact-resistant windows and doors

Windborne debris can cause significant damage during a hurricane. To prevent this, use impact-resistant windows and doors made of laminated glass or polycarbonate material. These materials are designed to withstand high winds and flying debris.

Strong walls

Walls should be constructed using materials that can withstand high winds and debris impact. Concrete, reinforced masonry, and insulated concrete forms are all good options for hurricane-resistant walls. The walls should also be anchored securely to the foundation.

Elevated foundation

In areas prone to flooding, an elevated foundation can help protect the structure from flood damage. The foundation should be designed to resist both lateral and uplift forces.

Proper ventilation

Proper ventilation can help prevent wind damage by reducing the pressure differential between the interior and exterior of the structure. Use gable vents or roof vents to allow air to flow freely through the attic space.

Anchored foundation

The foundation of the barndominium should be anchored to the ground using steel rebar or other appropriate materials. This will help prevent the structure from being lifted off the foundation during high winds.

Additional reinforcement

Consider adding additional reinforcements to critical areas of the structure, such as the corners, doorways, and roof. This can be done using metal brackets, hurricane straps, or other reinforcing materials.

Regular maintenance

Even a hurricane-proof barndominium will require regular maintenance to remain resilient. This may include inspecting the roof, walls, and foundation for signs of damage, and repairing any issues as soon as they are identified.

Building an impregnable barndominium against hurricanes requires careful consideration of the materials and features used in the construction process. By incorporating reinforced roofing, impact-resistant windows and doors, strong walls, an elevated foundation, proper ventilation, an anchored foundation, additional reinforcement, and regular maintenance, it’s possible to create a barndominium that is resilient and safe during even the most severe hurricanes.


In conclusion, building a barndominium that is hurricane-proof requires careful consideration of the design, materials, and construction process. A hurricane-resistant barndominium will feature impact-resistant windows and doors, a reinforced roof, strong walls, an elevated and anchored foundation, proper ventilation, additional reinforcement, and regular maintenance. By working with experienced and qualified contractors who have experience in building hurricane-resistant structures, homeowners can ensure that their barndominium is ready to withstand the most severe weather conditions. While there are certainly pros and cons to building a barndominium, with the right design and construction techniques, a barndominium can be a sturdy and resilient option for those living in hurricane-prone areas.


James HallBarndominiums Advisor

I'm James, your barndominiums advisor. Several years ago, I had no idea what barndominiums were. Although I'd spent over 10 years in the construction industry, the first time I heard about barndominiums was when I saw my neighbor building a new-style home. That was the first barndominium I've ever seen, and I found it so fascinating that I wanted to learn more about them.

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